Without fail, every single night I make a single wish
That single star, that I see that night
Upon the first star, I ask that for you to be with me
Every day, without a doubt I'd get a message from you
Telling me, just how things are
Reassuring me, that we'll be together soon
Saying that, you love me
Easing the longing, that you make me feel
Every night, so the same procedure goes
To be with you, I make my wish
At 6:06 PM ,
Fairy-Duh said...
Lois: Thanks, what the heck are statin drugs?
askintoo: More money is always good IMO
William: Thanks dude, bookmark away... Hmmm I can't gamble, and lotto is considered gambling..(stop babbling Fairy-duh)
At 6:08 PM ,
Fairy-Duh said...
Adam: Thank you dude! I've always wondered if anyone ever read the stuff that I write, glad you liked it.
At 9:20 PM ,
Tara Puri said...
Terima kasih ya, kak...
Tara harap kita saling mengingatkan dalam kebaikan ... amin..
BTW, Tara punya temen yg lagi dapet beasiswa di Spore, loh...
kenal ga???
(gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...) Hehe..
kalo bisa, bales lewat shoutbox Tara ya..
At 8:40 PM ,
Tara Puri said...
eh,lama2 jadi penasaran nih....boleh kenalan ga Kak?
At 12:26 AM ,
Fairy-Duh said...
por supuesto tara! hahaha i'll send u an e-mail shortly yah?
At 9:15 PM ,
Tara Puri said...
Tara udah bales emailnya...
bales lagi ya kak!!!!
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